The time varies. But somewhere between Sunday afternoon & evening many peoples mood changes. As the weekend starts to end, the fear of returning to work increases as Monday draws near. Could the war on talent cure your Sunday Syndrome? Learn more…
The time varies. But somewhere between Sunday afternoon & evening many peoples mood changes. As the weekend starts to end, the fear of returning to work increases as Monday draws near. Could the war on talent cure your Sunday Syndrome? Learn more…
Very few people are fortunate enough to work in a job they truly love. By that I mean, earn a sustainable income from a career they would happily do for free. Or continue working in, rather than quit, if they won big on the lottery. Or became financially independent in some other way.
However, that doesn’t mean the vast majority of people, less fortunate than a small minority, should work in a job they hate. Again, by that I don’t mean a career they would necessarily work in for free.
But what I do mean is today no one should have to work in a job that gives them anxiety. Prevents them from enjoying their downtime, and gives them the Sunday fear as Monday draws near.
The Sunday Scaries
Sunday fear as Monday draws near is real. Furthermore, it effects an alarming number of adult workers. Sometimes referred to as the Sunday Scaries or Sunday Syndrome, the feeling of intense anxiety and dread routinely occurs every Sunday. Often starting in the afternoon, and continuing into the evening. But for some the fear sets in much earlier.
If you suffer from the Sunday Scaries, first of all be assured you’re not alone. But more importantly, recognize the fact you have the ability to change your circumstances, and specifically the opportunity to rid yourself of Sunday syndrome. The fear of Monday mornings, and the working week ahead.
The changing workplace dynamic
If you get the Sunday Scaries, and aren’t already aware, today’s changing workplace dynamic puts you in a position of power. As a result, making it easier than ever to address the issues that are causing you to suffer from Sunday Syndrome. And ultimately the opportunity to change.
Over the last decade or so, the term Sunday Scaries, Sunday Syndrome or Sunday Fear have become increasingly prominent. Perhaps even viewed as a symptom of the modern working environment that just has to be accepted.
With years of salary stagnation, combined with the rising cost of living. The increasing pressure to perform. Work longer hours, ultimately for less money due to inflation rising faster then wages. Combined with the financial pressures of the cost of living. Anxiety about the working week ahead has continuously grown amongst working adults.
An informal study conducted in August 2018 by LinkedIn, found 80% of Americans worried about the week ahead on Sundays. The Sunday Scaries, effected all four generations in the workplace. Interestingly, those suffering from Sunday Syndrome consistently increased with each generation.

The significance of the data
Whats important to understand is the significance of the data from the generational breakdown, and how it contributes to the changing workplace dynamic.
In short, the change of generations in today’s, and future workplace, has created a shift, transitioning the balance of power from Employer to Employee.
Perhaps a good example of this can be seen by the record numbers of people worldwide quitting their jobs. Dubbed the great resignation, people aren’t quitting their jobs en masse because they’ve all suddenly become financially independent.
It’s because the war on talent, as predicted over twenty years ago, is now hitting certain employers hard. Talent is in high demand and short supply. As a result, workers have gained the advantage and the opportunity to choose who they work for in today’s booming job market.
Could the war on talent cure your Sunday Syndrome?
Now at this point it’s important for me to point out I’m not suggesting, after reading this, you instantly resign. My intention is to try to help you realize your true worth, and understand you have the potential to change your situation. Could the war on talent cure your Sunday Syndrome?
In short, the answer is yes.
As the biggest generation, the baby boomers, dominated the workplace for years. Due to the size, there were more available workers than jobs for them.
Therefore, as a result, they lived in fear of redundancies, and were more willing to put up with a poor working environment, as they may struggle to find another job.
Now the baby boomers are exiting the workplace, they’re being replaced by far fewer numbers of the current and future generations.
As a result, now and for the foreseeable future, unlike during the baby boomers career lifecycle, there are more jobs than available people for them.
Now it’s employers who live in fear of the financial impact failure to attract and retain talent will have on their business.
In short, the cost of staff attrition far out ways the cost of recruitment. Yet many companies have developed an unhealthy obsession of under investing in attracting, developing and retaining talent.
The Job Market is booming…
Talent is in short supply & high demand!
View our advertised job vacancies, or get in touch to discuss your career goals & how we can help you achieve them.
Opportunities for good people to find careers with good companies
As the war on talent becomes increasingly fierce, it’s created opportunities for good people to find careers with good companies that recognize the value of their people, and invest in them.
So, if you suffer from Sunday syndrome, either your in the wrong job but at the right company. The right job, but the wrong company. Or some variation of the two.
Give it some thought. Could the war on talent cure your Sunday Syndrome? It certainly gives you options to explore.
And I hope, you’ll soon be able to enjoy your Sunday, and career, much more.
About Pyramid Resource Solutions
Pyramid Resource Solutions has continuously evolved in line with the increasingly dynamic world we live in. Our roots date back to the late nineties, and are firmly embedded in providing executive search and professionally managed recruitment solutions.
However, the continuous scale and pace of change in the world will only increase. So, like most things in life, the talent landscape is changing too. As a result, the way companies manage their talent. How people look for new jobs, and what they want from their careers, is also changing.
Therefore, to remain as relevant today as we have been for over twenty years, Pyramid Resource Solutions has developed a carefully crafted suite of services, that support our business clients to achieve growth, and the talented individuals we engage with reach their full career potential.
Discover how we can help you. Contact us to learn more.