If you have the talent, motivation & desire, to take control & rule your career. Then right now, you have the best opportunity for generations to stop letting your job rule you, & to achieve your career goals. You have the power to break the cycle, but it’s up to you do it. Discover more…
If you have the talent, motivation & desire, to take control & rule your career. Then right now, you have the best opportunity for generations to stop letting your job rule you, & to achieve your career goals. You have the power to break the cycle, but it’s up to you do it…
Same shit, different day, but don’t know how to escape it?
Are you tired of the manotany of your job? The days become weeks. Weeks become months. Before you know it, the months become years. And you feel like it’s the same shit, different day. But don’t know how to escape?
Many people suffer from feeling trapped in their jobs. Perhaps even more so than ever right now, given the rising costs of living. Not to mention, the recent years of salary stagnation. Maintaining our lifestyles has become increasingly harder. Let alone bettering it.
The increasing pressure at work, combined with the pressures of trying to keep up with rising costs, for many of us, life has become a constant cycle of getting up. Going to work. Coming home exhausted and stressed. Going to bed. Then starting the cycle all over again.
What’s important to understand is that it’s up to you to break this cycle. Otherwise it will continue repeating. Sucking you further and further down. And at some point, it will break you.
Do you want to rule your career or let your job rule you?
If this sounds familiar, then you’re letting your job rule you. So, are you ready to break the cycle? Do you want to rule your career or let your job rule you?
The problem with this negative cycle, is that people stuck in it often find they have no time time to think about their careers. They go to work. In the evenings and at weekends, they feel stressed, and want to shut off from work.
In fact, It’s likely the only thought they give to work is when they get the Sunday fear as Monday draws near. Known as the Sunday Scaries, or Sunday Syndrome, defined as an increasing anxiety and dread of returning to work on Monday.
Most notably, this effects an alarming number of adult workers. If you suffer from the Sunday fear, you’re in the majority not the minority.
Escaping the negative cycle of letting your job rule you
Although it may seem easier said than done. The first step to escaping the negative cycle of letting your job rule you, is to find time to consider your career.
This may come easier to some more than others. Equally, different people have different career motivations. And some may have to work harder to achieve their career goals.
Despite one of the biggest, and therefore one of the most high profile jobs boards / career sites using the strap line “Love Mondays”.
In short, their sentiment is right. Although, loving Mondays may be pushing it a bit for most of us. No one should hate their job.
However, following up on their Love Mondays message by promoting the idea of achieving unrealistic career opportunities.
Consider what you want from your career. Create a realistic career plan. Dependent on where you are at, & where you want to go, your plan may need several steps to allow you to reach your career goals
Whether meant lightheartedly or not. The fact is, promoting the idea anyone can access a career in any role they want, can be equally as damaging to someones self esteem as working in a job that gives them anxiety.
In short, applying to job opportunities and getting rejected, or no reply, is disappointing. If this becomes a constant theme, for a job applicant, inevitably it effects their confidence, self-belief and contributes further to the downward spiral.
So, specifically, I recommend you’ll enjoy better success by considering what you want from your career. Creating a realistic career plan. Dependent on where you are at, and where you want to go, in your career, recognize and accept your plan may need several steps to allow you to reach your ultimate career goals.
Take control & rule your career
To conclude, the workplace dynamic has changed. As a result, if you have the talent, motivation and desire, to take control and rule your career. Then you have the best opportunity for generations, to achieve your career goals.
The long predicted war for talent is here. The balance has shifted. Employers no longer hold all the power.
Today, and for the foreseeable future, the volume of open jobs exceeds the number of available people needed to fill them. As a result, top talent, now has the power.
Today, & for the foreseeable future, the volume of jobs exceeds the number of available people to fill them. As a result, top talent, now has the power
Given the nature, and longevity, of our business, we get it. Different people have different career motivations.
As an example, some are purely driven by money.
Others are interested in flexibility, motivated by achieving a better work life balance.
Working for companies with shared values, such as a commitment to social, environmental and diversity, are important career motivators for a growing number.
And of course, there will always be those whose career aspirations are to work their way up through management. And ultimately into senior leadership positions.
Whatever your career goals are. Today, it’s down to you to define what career success looks like for you.
Money and Seniority is no longer the only measure of success. It will always be for some. But not for those who consider flexibility, better work life balance, or working for a business with aligned values, as achieving career success.
With consideration, planning, commitment and investment, the opportunity and support to take control and rule your career is there for the taking. Regardless of your career aspirations, if you have the talent, motivation and desire to do so.
Rule your career or let your job rule you
To end with how we began. Do you want to rule your career or let your job rule you?
Whatever your career aspirations are. With careful consideration, planning, commitment and investment, the opportunity and support, to take control and rule your career is there for the taking. If you have the talent, motivation and desire to do so.
So, if you want to escape the manotany of your job. Make time to give your career some thought.
Creating a plan, and working your way through it, will give you a sense of purpose. Improve your self esteem, motivation, and career prospects. Ultimately, and most importantly, it will enhance your life.