How you can gain the competitive advantage in todays dire UK Youth Job Market

by Julian Briggs on 26/08/2024

Categories: Insights, PRS Updates

Group of young people celebrating

Nearly as many 16-24 year are olds are Unemployed as Employed. Results are out. A flood of Grads, College, 6th Form, & School Leavers are entering an already dire youth job market. Career prospects are bleak. The stakes are high. Competition is fierce. If you, or someone you care about is hoping to start their career, read this & gain a competitive edge in a market where every advantage counts…

Intro. | Want to start your career

So, you’ve completed your education, and now you want to start your career. Without wanting to be negative, you need to be aware, the UK youth job market is extremely challenging.

On the positive side, in this article we’ll cover an overview of the current landscape. Provide the essential statistics you need to know. And perhaps most importantly, offer actionable advice to give you a much needed edge.

Or, to clarify, and sum up. This article will equip you with insights to help you navigate the tight UK youth Job Market. Gain the competitive advantage, and the ability to outperform your career rivals…

Facing reality: What’s next after your exam results?

It’s that time of year again. Exam results are out! Of course, some will be celebrating their achievements. On the other hand. Unfortunately, others will be dealing with disappointment. But regardless of results, the question remains the same for both. “What’s next?”

a group of young adults walking down the corridor of a college

If you’re planning to dive straight into the job market, without securing a job or apprenticeship first.

In order to gain the competitive advantage, it’s crucial you recognise the reality you’re about to jump into.

The UK job market is fiercely competitive for young people. Particularly for those aged 16 to 24.

In addition, it’s predicted an increasing number of school leavers are choosing employment over further education this year.

As a result, this fact will add even greater competition to a youth job market already plagued by years of persistently high unemployment rates.

Equally, it’s important to point out, youth unemployment is currently increasing.

The harsh reality: 6 UK Youth Job Market Stats you need to know

So, to help you navigate the youth job market effectively, you need to know what you’re up against. Here are 6 UK Youth Job Market stats, that highlight the career challenges 16 to 24-year-olds face.

1. Over 1.1 million young people are not in employment or full-time education

This figure represents a significant portion of your competition. To emphasise this point, c.1,120,000 individuals who, like you, are looking for a career opportunity.

2. The percentage of 16 to 17-year-olds not in employment or education remains high.

From February to April 2024, 8.2% of 16 to 17 year-olds were neither working, nor studying. Almost unchanged from the previous year.

3. Unemployment among 18 to 24-year-olds has risen.

During the same period, as above, the percentage of 18 to 24 year olds not in employment, or education, increased from 16.4% to 17.8%.

4. Youth unemployment rates are rising.

The unemployment rate for 16 to 24-year-olds rose by 1.6 percentage points compared to the previous quarter. As a result, this fact further demonstrates the increasingly tough youth job market.

5. Youth long-term unemployment is a growing concern.

Long-term unemployment is classed as being out of work for six months or more.

The number of young people currently considered to be in long-term unemployment has risen by 48,000. Reaching 195,000, in the February to April 2024 quarter.

6. The employment rate for young people is a stark 50.5%.

This stat really demonstrates just how dire the UK job market is for young people, looking to start their career. So, brace yourself…

Nearly as many young people are unemployed as those who are employed. A sobering statistic for anyone entering the youth job market.

Gain the competitive advantage in the youth job market

So, in contrast to the negative reality you’re likely to face, now covered.

Next, on the more positive side, we’ll provide insights on how you can gain the competitive advantage in todays extremely challenging youth job market…

Career choices: Consider targeting industries with skill shortages

You may already know the career path you want to take. But if you’re still undecided, don’t worry.

It’s quite normal for people leaving education to feel uncertain about the career they want.

Especially in today’s challenging youth job market.

So, if you’re still undecided, it’s worth you considering focusing on industries that are currently facing skill shortages.

While overall job vacancies in the UK are declining.

In contrast, certain sectors are struggling to find enough people for the jobs they’re desperate to fill.

Graphic illustrating the words Learning, Mentoring, Training, Skills, Knowledge, Ability, Experience, & Growth

As a result, these sectors could create potential opportunities for you to gain an advantage.

Rather than become another number added to the already persistently high levels, of UK  youth unemployment stats.

Industries to Consider:

So, if like many people, you’re undecided on the career you want, here’s some industries to consider that could help you get your career started.

Health, Education, & Social Care:

These sectors are in desperate need of skilled professionals. If you have an interest in these fields, targeting them could give you a significant advantage.

Engineering, Finance, & Software Development:

These industries are also experiencing skill shortages, offering more job opportunities than other sectors.

Pharmaceuticals, Aerospace, & Business Services:

Predicted to see headcount increases over the next six months, these sectors could provide a stable, and rewarding, career path for you.

How you can gain the competitive career advantage

Lets quickly recap, before moving on to provide you with guidance, on how you can gain the competitive career advantage.

First, it was important to give you an understanding of the statistics, and what you’re up against, so you’re prepared. Second, suggesting possible industries to target, hopefully, has given you some ideas on careers to think about.

So, next, let’s talk about how you can truly stand out in todays fiercely competitive youth job market.

1. A standout CV:

With the rise of AI in recruitment, your CV must be optimised and formatted correctly, to successfully pass through automated systems and reach a human recruiter. Highlight relevant skills, experiences, and any extracurricular activities that showcase your strengths.

Today AI plays a dominant role in the recruitment process, & the bots could kill your job application before it reaches a human for consideration.

image reflecting artificial intelligence

Discover how to write a CV, to increase your chances of success when applying for jobs online…

2. Ace the Interview:

Preparation is key. Research the company, practice common interview questions, and make sure you can articulate why you’re the best person for the role.

3. Experience is key:

The biggest challenge for young job seekers is often a lack of experience.

Consider internships, volunteering, or part-time work to build your resume.

Even short-term experiences can make a significant difference.

3. Invest in training:

Without experience, gaining industry specific qualifications demonstrates your commitment to a career in the industry, and ability to learn the required skills.

In addition, your career prospects will increase by acquiring a level of knowledge and understanding of key aspects required to work within your chosen industry.

4. Networking:

Don’t underestimate the power of connections. For example, attend industry events. Engage with professionals on LinkedIn, and don’t be afraid to reach out to people, in your desired, field for advice or mentorship.

Final thoughts: Take control of your future

So to conclude. The UK youth job market is tough. However, with the right strategy, you can gain the competitive advantage you need to succeed.

Whether you’re set on a particular career path. Or alternatively, still exploring your career options. Now is the time to take proactive steps.

Remember, there are over a million young people, just like you, looking for work. And to succeed, you need to stand out in a fiercely competitive job market.

Focus on building experience. Invest in learning, to gain industry qualifications. Seriously consider targeting industries with skills shortages, and the highest demand for new talent.

Finally, optimise your CV. After all, it will be one of many submitted to potential employers. So make sure it stands out.

Although in reality, you will face challenges. It’s important to remember – you get out what you put in.

Ultimately, your future is in your hands. Make sure you’re ready to seize opportunities. And take advantage of any competitive advantage you can.

We wish you the best of luck with your career.

Online training courses with certificates: Discounts to support youths start their career

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Investing in personal development to acquire relevant industry qualifications, demonstrates your career commitment to the industry

graphic of a mortarboard, graduation hat, keyboard and mouse, with the wire forming the letter e, containing the word learning

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The UK youth job market stats referenced in this article were researched from a variety of sources. The career advice provided was a combination of our own knowledge as well as additional market research.

Sources include:

The UK Parliament House of Commons Library – Youth Unemployment Statistics. Published on the 13th August 2024

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) – Employment in the UK: July 2024. Published on the 18th July 2024

The Learning and Work Institute – Labour Market Analysis, June 2024.