Our Asbestos Awareness e-Learning course provided cost savings

Categories: Case Studies
by Julian Briggs on 28/07/2022

Asbestos Awareness online training course | PRS e-Learning hub
As anyone whose business or work posses the potential threat of Asbestos knows, the Law requires annual Asbestos Awareness training. Equally they’ll know the cost of training extends beyond just the course. Discover how our Asbestos Awareness online training course delivered significant savings for our client, & see if we could reduce your training costs too…

As anyone whose business or work posses the potential threat of Asbestos knows, the Law requires annual Asbestos Awareness training. Equally they’ll know the cost of training extends beyond just the course.

Discover how our Asbestos Awareness online training course delivered significant savings for our client, & see if we could reduce your training costs too…

About this case study

This case study covers how our Asbestos Awareness online training course provided our client with significant cost savings.

This included, reducing the cost of the training course, as well as the associated costs. Most notable, the expense caused by the impact to productivity from taking course delegates out of the business for the day.

However, to be candid, the intention of this article is to give you an overview of our client. The assessment process, comparing their traditional training methods to our alternative e-Learning training course, they took.

And most importantly, to give you an overview to see if we can save you money too. If you’re reading this, the chances are that’s what you want to find out as well.

But first, it’s important for a quick overview on Asbestos and the Law.

Asbestos & the Law

Until 2000 Asbestos, probably the most dangerous building material ever, was still widely used in construction.

Notably, the risk of Asbestos is demonstrated by the thousands of people that fall ill, even die, every year from Asbestos exposure.

“regulation 10 of the CAR states every Employer must ensure adequate information, instruction and training is given to Employees who could be exposed to asbestos.
In addition the Law states Asbestos Awareness training must be taken / provided every 12 months”

As a result, there is Legislation and Law to protect people from the risks of Asbestos. The Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) applies to all Employers, Employees, Self-Employed persons, and duty holders, and covers all work with asbestos-containing materials.

Furthermore, regulation 10 of the CAR states every Employer must ensure adequate information, instruction and training is given to Employees who could be exposed to Asbestos. In addition, the Law states Asbestos Awareness training must be taken / provided every 12 months.

Our client

So now it’s time to introduce our client. An Engineering company specializing in Renewable Energy. Carbon emissions reduction products, and other environmental sustainability solutions for industrial and commercial businesses.

The business, an SME, have ten in-house engineers. All based in regional territories Nationwide.

Due to the nature of their role, each engineer is required to complete the annual Asbestos Awareness training. Equally important, our client is legally required, as their employer, to provide adequate training.

“when our client discovered we’d added e-Learning to our products & services, understandably they wanted to find out more about our Asbestos Awareness online training course.
More specifically, whether we could reduce the cost of their traditional training”

Traditionally, our client had used a face to face trainer for Asbestos Awareness training.

This meant hiring a meeting room, centrally located for the ease of their regionally based engineers.

Specifically, this approach resulted in the cost of the trainer. Hiring a meeting room.

Providing lunch and refreshments for all the course attendees.

However the most significant expense was the cost to the business, caused by the impact to productivity. i.e. the lost revenue suffered from taking their engineers out the business for a days training.

On the other hand this was still more cost effective than hiring a trainer to do one on one, or smaller group training sessions.

So, when our client discovered we’d added e-Learning training courses to our products and services, understandably they wanted to find out more about our Asbestos Awareness online training course. More specifically, whether we could reduce the cost of their traditional training.

Due diligence

Our Asbestos Awareness online training course was significantly cheaper than hiring a traditional “classroom trainer”. Not to mention the additional savings gained from online training, compared to old school “class room” training.

However given their legal and moral responsibility, naturally our client wanted to do their due diligence on our online training course.

In short, the accreditation’s from the governing bodies endorsing our Asbestos Awareness course, IATP, CPD & IIRSM, differed from their traditional trainers certificates.

So, our client sought expert advice from their external Health and Safety Consultant.

After reviewing the course content and accreditation’s awarded with our Asbestos Awareness online training course.

Comparing it with the previous training providers our client traditionally used.

Our client told us their Health and Safety Consultant’s feedback was…

“The two different training courses are no better or worse than the other.
Both fulfill your Legal obligation & comply with Legislation. So it’s a no brainier!
The Asbestos Awareness online training course is far more cost effective”

“The two different training courses are no better or worse than the other. Both fulfill your Legal obligation & comply with Legislation. So, it’s a no brainier! The Asbestos Awareness online training course is far more cost effective”

As a result, our client booked their 10 engineers on our Asbestos Awareness online training course.

How our Asbestos Awareness online training course reduced costs

So now to briefly sum up how our Asbestos Awareness online training course reduced our clients costs. Most importantly, give you the insight to help you see if we could reduce your training costs also. Let’s break it down.

First of all. In truth, I can’t give you all the specific costs, and therefore cost savings. However, I can tell you this…

Based on the ten engineers taking our Asbestos Awareness annual training course, our client saved £500 on the training costs alone. (This saving included a discount for purchasing a bundle of ten training courses from us.)

Admittedly this £500 alone is not a huge saving.

However, all too often the expense of training extends beyond just the course costs.

“Do the maths.

Our online training course delivered significant cost savings for our client.

Could they do the same for you?”

So, in addition to the initial £500 cost reduction, here’s a short summary of the wider savings our client gained from our online training courses.

Introducing PRS e-Learning Hub

graphic of a mortarboard, graduation hat, keyboard and mouse, with the wire forming the letter e, containing the word learning
Our latest strategic partnership enables us to distribute expert approved, online training courses with certificates. Learn more

Summary of additional training cost savings

So, on top of reducing the cost of the course by, additional cost savings included:

  1. Hiring costs of a meeting room

  2. Travel costs of course attendees

  3. Cost of food & refreshments for course participants

  4. The cost to productivity caused by taking staff out the business for training

In addition to the initial £500 training course cost reduction, the first three additional savings (above) amount to an extra few hundred pounds roughly.

However, the most significant cost saving gained was from removing the impact to business productivity.

In short, our online training courses allowed our clients ten engineers to complete their Asbestos Awareness training course at a time to suit them, and the business.

Unlike their previous class room training, that took the engineers out the business, at the same time, for a whole day.

Ultimately preventing them from working. And the business generating revenue from their activities.

Online training enabled flexibility. Allowing training to be fitted in and around the commercial needs of our clients business. And their engineers duties.

Do the maths. Our online training course delivered significant cost savings for our client. Could they do the same for you?

Following the feedback on our online training course from their engineers, our client has purchased further online training course from our e-Learning hub, to support their business’s training needs.

We’d love to help you save time and money too. To find out if we can reduce your business costs, get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

Alternatively, find out more about our Asbestos Awareness training courses below.

About our Asbestos Awareness online training courses

Our suite of e-Learning courses hosts a comprehensive range of online training courses with certificates, approved by leading industry bodies.

To learn more about our Asbestos Awareness online training courses watch the video, or scroll down for a brief summary of our two courses, Asbestos Awareness, and Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers.

Asbestos Awareness | £35.00 + VAT

Asbestos Awareness online training course icon

Our Asbestos Awareness online training course is aimed at all people whose job role puts them at risk of exposure to asbestos.

The course is approved by leading industry bodies, IATP, CPD and IIRSM, and complies with the legal requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations.

Buy Now | Free trial | Contact us re. bulk discounts or for any further assistance

Asbestos Awareness for Architects & Designers | £35.00 + VAT

Asbestos Awareness for Architects & Designers online training course icon

Our Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers online training course has all the content of our asbestos awareness course, with additional information about the legislation and responsibilities of architects and designers.

The course is approved by leading industry bodies IATP, CPD and IIRSM, and complies with the legal requirement of the Control of Asbestos Regulations.

Buy Now | Free trial | Contact us re. bulk discounts or for any further assistance

Why not try a free trial?

We could tell you about lots of features and benefits our online training courses offer. We’ve already mentioned the cost saving our client achieved. However, what’s most important is not what we think, but what you do.

So, why not try a free trial, and see the quality of our online training courses for yourself.

Our free trial accounts allow you to take the first module of any, and as many, of our e-learning training coursers as you like. Furthermore, there’s no obligation to buy the full course.

However, if you do want to complete a training course, and on successful completion receive your accreditation certificate, when you upgrade you’ll continue the course from module two. (Assuming you passed the first module).

So, what do you have to lose? Sign up for a free trial today.