The role & benefits of having a Bid Manager

Categories: Insights
by Guest Writer on 07/04/2024

Insights, from a professional Business Consultant, with a proven record of creating & implementing succesfull business transformation strategies, on how a dedicated Bid Manager increases business productivity, performance & ultimately will help you win more tenders…

Introducing the topic & author of this article

Tenders often create mixed emotions. On one hand, your sales efforts have succeeded. At least, as far as getting you on the tender. On the other hand, now you have a tender to complete.

Tenders can be complex, lengthy, and often require excessive documentation. Sometimes containing vague requirements that can change unexpectedly, during the bidding process.

In short, tenders are resource hungry.

“when after all your efforts you lose the bid to a competitor, it can be hugely frustrating”

The time and effort invested in preparing a bid often interrupts the core duties of several team members.

As a result, negatively impacting business efficiencies, or adding to the working hours of those involved in the process.

This doesn’t seem important when the bid is won.

However, in reality it still impacts the business longer term. But, when after all your efforts you lose the bid to a competitor, it can be hugely frustrating. Even demoralising.

In this article, one of our network of professional Business Consultants shares their thoughts on the role and benefits of having a Bid Manager.

They suggest companies that regularly complete large tenders should consider having a dedicated Bid Manager. Whereas those companies who only occasionally tender should consider hiring the support of a contract / temporary Bid Manager.

The role & benefits of having a Bid Manager

So, what is the role and benefits of having a Bid Manager on large tenders. First, I’ll highlight some of the Bid Manager’s key duties. Then I’ll outline some of the benefits a Bid Manager brings.

The role of a Bid Manager

A Bid Manager plays a crucial role in preparing, submitting, and managing the bid process for large tenders. Their role includes:


Bid Managers coordinate all aspects of the bid process. Including gathering necessary information from various stakeholders, setting timelines, and ensuring deadlines are met.

Proposal Development:

They oversee the development of the bid proposal. Ensuring the submitted bid meets all the requirements outlined in the tender documents. And addresses the needs of the client effectively.

Resource Allocation:

Bid Managers allocate resources effectively, ensuring the bid is completed on time and within budget. This may involve assigning tasks to different team members, and coordinating their efforts.

Risk Management:

They identify and assess risks associated with the bid, and develop strategies to mitigate them. This could include analysing the competition. Identifying potential pitfalls in the project, and developing contingency plans.

Quality Assurance:

Bid Managers ensure the bid proposal is of high quality, and presents the company in the best possible light.

They review all aspects of the proposal, including content, formatting, and presentation. Ensuring the final document submitted, is polished and professional.


Bid Managers ensure that the bid proposal complies with all the requirements set forth in the tender document.

This includes ensuring all necessary documentation is provided, and that the proposal is submitted according to the specified format and timeline.

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Bid Managers serve as the main point of contact for communication with the client throughout the bid process. This involves responding to client inquiries, clarifying requirements, and addressing any issues or concerns that may arise.

The benefits of having a Bid Manager

Next, I’ll highlight some benefits of having a Bid Manager on large tenders.

Increased Win Rate:

A Bid Manager helps improve the quality of bid proposals. Which as a result, can increase the chances of winning contracts and tenders.


By coordinating the bid process, and managing resources effectively, Bid Managers streamline the process, ensuring deadlines are met, without interrupting business efficiencies.

“Bid Managers ensure that bid proposals are well-presented & finished to a professional standard.

As a result, enhancing your company’s reputation, and credibility. Whilst increasing the chances of your bid being successful”

Risk Mitigation:

Bid Managers identify and mitigate risks associated with the bid. This helps protect your company from potential losses or liabilities.


Bid Managers ensure bid proposals are well-presented, and finished to a professional standard.

As a result, enhancing your company’s reputation, and credibility. Whilst increasing the chances of your bid being successful.


Having a dedicated Bid Manager allows other team members to focus on their core responsibilities. This improves your business’s continuity, productivity and performance.


In conclusion, having a Bid Manager on large tenders is essential for ensuring the bid process is well-managed, efficient, and ultimately successful.

Depending on your business model. Or more specifically your sales strategy. If your business is regularly involved in tendering, then it is worth considering having a dedicated Bid Manager.

They will improve your business efficiencies, and productivity. Allow other team members to focus on their core duties. For example, enabling your sales team to concentrate their time on generating new business, whilst your Bid Manager concentrates on winning more tenders.

On the other hand, if your sales strategy bypasses the tender stage. Therefore you only occasionally tender. Then perhaps consider either having a dedicated Bid Manager, that combines the role with other day to day duties. But has the ability, and capacity, to own the bid process.

Or alternatively, consider forging a strategic relationship with a Contract Bid Manager. One you can engage as and when you need support on completing large tenders.

About me

I’m a Business Consultant, generally engaged by Senior Leaders seeking a trusted confidant. A fresh pair of eyes. An impartial perspective, with no preconceived ideas, that only external support can provide. But, ultimately, my clients engage me because they want to take their business to the next level.

Before becoming a Consultant I worked as an Executive Director for several UK and overseas companies, involved in design, manufacture and delivery of bespoke environmental branding solutions.

I’ve fulfilled numerous Board Level roles, including Commercial, Strategy and Planning, Project Delivery, International Sales and Marketing, and Operations. But my focus has always been on business growth, improving performance and profitability.

If you’d like to find out more about me, and how I can help you achieve your business objectives, contact Pyramid Resource Solutions.

They’ll put us in touch with each other, and we can set up an initial exploratory conversation to discuss your business objectives and how I can help you achieve them.