Video calls were becoming more popular before the Covid-19 lockdown. Even after social distancing rules are relaxed, video calls will increasingly be used for meetings. Done badly they can cause damage. So, here’s some tips on video calling from a professional business coach & trainer…
Video calls were becoming more popular before the Covid-19 lockdown. Even after social distancing rules are relaxed, video calls will increasingly be used for meetings. Done badly they can cause damage. So, here’s some tips on video calling from a professional business coach & trainer…
Even before the coronavirus lock down, video conference calls were already becoming increasingly popular. Love them or hate them, the reality is video calling has now been forced upon us. Furthermore, even after the current lock down restrictions ease, video calls are likely to become an increasingly common part of our business and work lives. Despite this, very few have been trained to conduct professional video calls. Some have stumbled into them, with no time to give it much thought. The fact is, getting video meetings and calls wrong could cause significant damage to your business or career.
So, are your video calls damaging your business or personal brand?
Tips for succesfull video calls
There’s no doubt about it, video calls are, and will increasingly become a common communication channel, and an alternative for face to face meetings. Particularly at the early stages of engagement.
Done well, video calls are an improvement on a telephone call. In short they add some of the visual communication we value from face to face meetings. However, done badly, video calls can be uncomfortable for everyone. Furthermore they can damage your business or personal brand. As a result, harming your company reputation or career prospects.
Ask yourself,
- Have you been trained how to conduct professional video calls?
- Have you trained your team how to make succesfull video calls?
If not, I suggest it would be wise to invest some time in getting your video calls right. So, how do you make a succesfull video call?
“there’s far more to think about for a video call, than you’d consider for a conventional face to face meeting…”
Here’s some top tips from one of one our network of talent development Coaching and Training professionals, on how to make professional video calls. This article contains extracts, taken from their “Business Essentials” training sessions.
Planning your video call
The fact is, when you arrive for a conventional meeting your appearance is assessed by those you meet. Often this assessment is subconscious. However, it’s scientifically proven that people make assumptions based on what they see. For example, if you’re smartly presented certain assumptions may be made. As a result a level of authority may be presumed. There’s a reason most people immediately respect, and listen to someone in a uniform. Hence why some where a uniform in their job role.
“recognise the type of video meeting you’re about to have…”
The psychology surrounding this is complex. It can be used to improve all meetings and interactions. This topic is covered in greater detail in my sales training sessions.
For now, think about planning your video call. Of course how you’re presented will be a consideration. However, there’s far more to think about for a video call, than you’d consider for a conventional face to face meeting.
When you start a video call everyone else will be looking at more than just you. Take a moment to consider the unique parts of a video call. Calls made from home let others see more than just you. As a result, people in your video meeting may make extra judgments about you, based on how tidy your home is and how you decorate it. They’ll see what you chose to wear when not in your work ‘costume’. They’ll also gather new insight into your competency handling the video conference call technology.
There’s lots of new criteria to consider which may affect opinions of you. As a result, it’s wise to consider this, and preset yourself in the way you want to be perceived.

Video meeting types
There’s many types of video meetings. From formal client or supplier negotiations, through to more casual team updates, brainstorming sessions, interviews and even personal calls.
Recognise the type of video meeting you’re about to have, and apply your normal social rules to all the other insights below, with the meeting type in mind.
Think about how others in the meeting will expect you to interact with them. A video call between you and a colleague you know well should feel very different to a call with a client, boss, or potential employer.
A first practical consideration that many get wrong is lighting. Whoever you’re communicating with needs to see you. So you’ll need some light on your face. That means you can’t position yourself with a window or light behind you. If you do you’ll inevitably display on screen as a silhouette.
Ideally, you want a large soft light source, so consider facing a window or positioning a lamp behind your camera so that you’re gently lit, without shadows. Check a video preview so you can see how clear you’ll look.
It’s equally important to ensure you don’t have too much light on you. This will flood the image so your facial expressions won’t be visible.
In summery, good lighting brings your video call closer to a conventional meeting.
Positioning your camera for video calls
Positioning your camera for video calls is one of the most significant things you can do to increase the success of your video meetings. So ensure your camera is well positioned.
Most of us use a laptops, tablets or phones for video calls. As a result we’re using the devices inbuilt camera. Notably, each of these devices are designed to primarily interact with our hands, not our faces. Therefore they work best positioned at counter-top level.
This isn’t great for video calls. When you meet face to face, you’re not normally looked at from below.
For most situations, the camera is best placed at eye level, and fixed in position so it’s pointing straight at you. If you’re using a laptop or a tablet you may want to position your device on a shelf or stack of books. If you’re using a phone you need to clamp it in a stand, or wedge it somewhere secure. Nobody wants to see up your nose, see your double chins, or see you uncomfortably leaning into the screen for the whole meeting, as you fight to look ‘normal’ on screen.
Unless you are intentionally trying to project a casual carefree image, position yourself for business calls with your head and shoulders filling the screen. Think passport photo when you’re sitting comfortably. Nobody will want to see you too close to the camera. Or indeed struggle to find you positioned way off in the distance.
A common issue with video calls is poor sound quality. Echos and disrupted sound make calls difficult to follow. Especially when there are several people taking part in an online meeting or video conference call.
However, the quick fix is very simple. Earphones!
The speakers and microphones, on most devices, perform poorly when used hands-free. So don’t use them if you want a professional video call. Bluetooth earphones are ideal, as they’re discrete, however wired ones work well too.
When selecting your working area, check for background noise. The rumble of traffic, loud clocks, wind chimes, should all be avoided if possible. In large meetings where you’re not expecting to speak, you can mute your microphone. Although I would advise against this unless you really can’t make the call without background noise interference.

Background view
Here’s the tip many miss. Unlike conventional meetings where assumptions about you can be built on how you look, video calls reveal more. Take a moment to check, and set the view behind you.
Ideally, your choice of area should have a fairly clear, distraction free background. You don’t need a blank wall, however, anything that may offend or looks inappropriate for a professional meeting, should be moved or covered. Do you want others in the meeting able to see your family photos in the background? You may be fine with that, but decide!
If you have a window or space behind you, consider if others may walk past and disrupt the call. Pay particular attention to reflective surfaces such as mirrors, or windows at night, which may create strange reflections and show views you’ve not considered.
For most business meetings I would advise against simulated or virtual backgrounds. Save these ‘toys’ for less formal video calls.
In most normal meetings, i.e. face to face, each party is aware of others around them. Therefore volumes can be regulated, or sensitive subjects discussed in privacy.
A weakness of video calls is that we can’t always see who else is around, or behind other peoples cameras. So to make video calls comfortable and secure, you need to help whoever is speaking by compensating for this.
If you’re making a work call tell those around you first. Ask ask them not to disturb you or the call. If someone walks into the room announce this in the call, so the other participants of the video meeting know the conversations is temporarily no longer private.
Never video or record a meeting without permission from everyone in it!
How to dress for a video call
So you have the stage set, the lighting and sound ready…
But how to dress for a video call gets overlooked by some. Or at least may be given lees thought than if they were attending a face to face meeting. ?
On the whole I suggest if running a call from home you don’t go and put on a business suit. This is unlikely to be expected by other callers. However you should tidy your hair, put on makeup, or shave, if that’s what you would normally do before you meet people.
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Know the video meeting platform
The host of the meeting will normally select the video meeting platform they’ll use to host the video call. It’s inevitable if speaking with many people you will use different applications for different meetings. There’s a few things you should do before the meeting, to ensure you know enough about the application you will be using.
First install the application on your device well ahead of the meeting. This provides you with the opportunity understand the basic controls.
Make sure you know how to mute your microphone and your video, and use the preview option to check how you’ll appear on screen. You may be able to set the name that will be displayed and select other features that will help make your video call a success.
Concentrate & equip
The last extracts from the full training session are to concentrate and equip yourself for your meeting.
When alone in the room, particularly if you’re less active in the meeting, do not slip into thinking you’re watching TV. Everyone can see you, ALL THE TIME, so remain comfortable but self conscious.
A video call is the wrong time to pick your nose, or start doing another task. Stay present and engaged in the meeting. Follow the call, and take part in it as appropriate.
Do not check your messages, read or reply to emails, start eating, or start some research on the web, unless this is part of the meeting.
You need to apply extra concentration.
I would suggest you equip yourself with a drink before the meeting Starts. Have any notes relevant to the meeting at hand, and make sure you have a pen and paper to make notes.
A toilet break before the meeting starts, along with the tips will leave you ready to take part in a successful meeting. Or at the very least it won’t be you letting the side down!
Final note
I hope the above extracts are helpful for everyone. There are more in depth details and further help available for those taking part in, arranging, or hosting video calls. As part of my “business essentials” training sessions, additional topics such as how to structure meetings to be short and effective for everyone as well as a wider section on sales training, with modules for leaders and managers through to team members.
It’s a proven fact that companies that provide the best customer experience fair stronger during difficult trading times.
Now’s the time to invest in training your team and put your business in a position of strength.
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* Government terms & conditions may apply under the furlough scheme